NS Design NXT Electric Upright Double 4-String Bass With Amber Burst Finish NS Design
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NS Design NXT Electric Upright Double 4-String Bass With Amber Burst Finish NS Design Massive Saving, Order Now! It is truly an amazing For Sale NS Design NXT Electric Upright Double 4-String Bass With Amber Burst Finish NS Design . I highly recommend For Sale NS Design NXT Electric Upright Double 4-String Bass With Amber Burst Finish NS Design for anyone. I absolutly love it!
NS Design NXT Electric Upright Double 4-String Bass With Amber Burst Finish Overview
The NS Design NXT Electric Upright Double 4-String Bass With Amber Burst Finish brings world-class design and craftsmanship to a surprisingly affordable price range. With a visual appearance as striking as its sound, the roadworthy NXT is an exciting and reliable partner for the most demanding performance career. The NXT Series Double Bass opens up a new horizon for the serious bassist looking to play a great instrument on a limited budget. These instruments, crafted in the Czech Republic by the makers of the renowned CR Series, exemplify flawless workmanship at an incredible value. The solid maple body and neck, together with the graduated ebony fingerboard, deliver a rich, full tone that rings true for every note. Asymmetrical fingerboard relief facilitates an even 'growl' from the higher strings and a clear, powerful lower register. The adjustable bridge and truss rod allow for low, fast action, or for higher string settings that encourage the traditional acoustic player to 'dig in' with gusto. Pizzicato and arco techniques have almost unlimited expressive potential, thanks to the Polar Pickup System. A convenient switch allows selection of the traditional arco mode for percussive attack and dynamic bowed response, or pizzicato mode for a smooth, sustained tone. Equipped with single volume and tone controls, the passive electronics deliver unlimited overhead for the ultimate sound without cumbersome batteries. This package includes the NS Design NXT Electric Upright Double Bass with Amber Burst Finish along with a self-supporting tripod stand with full adjustments for height and angle and a soft case complete with a shoulder strap.
NS Design NXT Electric Upright Double 4-String Bass With Amber Burst Finish Feature
- The roadworthy NS Design NXT Electric Upright Double 4-String Bass With Amber Burst Finish is an exciting and reliable partner for the most demanding performance career. A wide array of interchangeable support systems make the NXT adaptable to virtually any situation. This package includes the NS Design NXT Electric Upright Double Bass with Amber Burst Finish along with a self-supporting tripod stand with full adjustments for height and angle and a soft case complete with a shoulder strap.
- NS Electric Strings and most traditional acoustic strings fit all NS Design Double Basses, allowing the player to select from a wide range, each with a unique sound and feel. In combination with the easy adjustment of basic set-up parameters, the NXT Series Bass is adaptable to many different styles of music.
- Pizzicato and arco techniques have almost unlimited expressive potential, thanks to the Polar Pickup System. A convenient switch allows selection of the traditional arco mode for percussive attack and dynamic bowed response, or pizzicato mode for a smooth, sustained tone. Equipped with single volume and tone controls, the passive electronics deliver unlimited overhead for the ultimate sound without cumbersome batteries.
- The solid maple body and neck, together with the graduated ebony fingerboard, deliver a rich, full tone that rings true for every note. Asymmetrical fingerboard relief facilitates an even 'growl' from the higher strings and a clear, powerful lower register. The adjustable bridge and truss rod allow for low, fast action, or for higher string settings that encourage the traditional acoustic player to 'dig in' with gusto.
- The NS Design NXT Electric Upright Double 4-String Bass With Amber Burst Finish opens up a new horizon for the serious bassist looking to play a great instrument on a limited budget. These instruments, crafted in the Czech Republic by the makers of the renowned CR Series, exemplify flawless workmanship at an incredible value. This model has a beautiful Satin Amber Burst finish.
My neighbor bought NS Design NXT Electric Upright Double 4-String Bass With Amber Burst Finish NS Design from the Internet. After they have used. It has made them love it so much. Because NS Design NXT Electric Upright Double 4-String Bass With Amber Burst Finish NS Design can make them very easy to use, not difficult and is equipped with a durable, I've seen it, NS Design NXT Electric Upright Double 4-String Bass With Amber Burst Finish NS Design would be to try to see what it is affordable. Compared with the property itself. NS Design NXT Electric Upright Double 4-String Bass With Amber Burst Finish NS Design is durable in use. And proper manner. If you are looking for a product like this I would highly recommend NS Design NXT Electric Upright Double 4-String Bass With Amber Burst Finish NS Design .
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